Lady Windermere’s Fan

Apart from Jennifer Saunders and Samantha Spiro, this production feels terribly miscast! Despite his rather dashing photo in the programme, Kevin Bishop’s Lord Darlington is not dashing in either appearance, demeanour or his lines, which makes it particular difficult to work out why Lady Windermere almost ruins herself for him. Joshua James feels terribly weedy and lacking in presence as Lord Windermere, and there is no chemistry between him and Grace Moloney’s Lady Windermere. She is shrill, preachy and puritanical and not the least bit endearing, even at the end once she has reformed. Indeed she feels so awful and judgmental that you feel sorry for Lord Windermere.

David O’Reilly’s Cecil Graham is rather tedious and not funny - think more whingey public schoolboy playing pranks but being the only one who finds them funny - and Roger Evans’s Mr Dumby is a bit of a non-entity. And, why any of these individuals are friends in the first place is completely baffling - there is no semblance of chemistry linking them together! They are strangers thrown together for an event and making the best of it.

On the other hand, Saunders and Spiro are perfect as the Duchess of Berwick and Mrs Erlynne (respectively). They alone, and particularly Saunders, bring the witticisms and comedy to life, and have perfect comedic timing. Saunders brings the stage and those around her to life, and you wish that she were in more scenes. If it weren’t for these two women, this production would fall completely flat, as it is they alone that make it worth seeing.

Joseph Marcell as Lord Lorton is a nice touch, and he is good and brings a comedic element, but he doesn’t hold a flame to Saunders and it is she who steals the show. All in all, an enjoyable evening, if a bit baffling.